This blog is dedicated to my little girl Ellie Marie. She was stillborn at 37 weeks and 3 days of pregnancy. I am hoping that this blog will help me and others who have to go through this grieving and healing process.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 15

Day 15: Today is Pregnancy and Infancy Loss Awareness Day. What are you doing today?

Today we are going to the SHARE walk for remembrance. Much of my family is coming to support us. I have, like an idiot, volunteered to sing. I thought others would volunteer to sing with me. I never imagined i'd be doing a solo, but here I am, singing a solo. I would have much rather had a pianist but I have to use this cheesy karaoke track. I am ready but extremely nervous. I am very grateful for my family for coming to this. 
At the event here will also be a name reading, a walk around the grounds, we will release balloons, put notes to Ellie in a vault, and Mrs. Utah is going to speak. 
I will post pictures of the even sometime this weekend. In a way i'm really looking forward to it and in a way i'm really dreading it. I hope I don't butcher the song or cry in the middle of it.

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